Tag: September

  • Tail Slayer

    by Andrew Jensen in Issue 80, September 2018 This wouldn’t have happened when I was young. As a young man I respected older warriors. I blame our new king. He’s a Christian. He even calls himself “King Christian.” Our whole land is growing soft. I don’t mean OLD warriors. We didn’t have any of those.…

  • The Only Story That Matters: My Thoughts on Skald, Cycle One

    by Anthony Perconti in Issue 80, September 2018 2018The Oxford English Dictionary defines the term skald as “(in ancient Scandinavia) a composer and reciter of poems honoring heroes and their deeds”. (1) The ancient Greek counterparts of the Scandinavian skalds, poets such as Homer and Apollonius of Rhodes, composed timeless works of art chronicling the…

  • The Thirst of Untus

    by Sam Beaven in Issue 68, September 2017 My name is Lossn. I am a failure. I sat across the table from the too-fat man who sweated in the heat, decadently shedding water through his brown skin, typical of the cultured city-folk. He wouldn’t last long in the desert, he would be abandoned by his tribe.…

  • Bluffing at Farbridge

    by Jason A. Holt in Issue 56, September 2016 The Shatterstone Horn had been stolen, and Higomu had orders to get it back. There are only two ways to escape from the Redwood Valley with a stolen artifact. One can either board a boat and leave by sea, or one can take the Klindrel Road and…