Tag: Jeffery Scott Sims
Slayers of Casova
by Jeffery Scott Sims in Issue 119, December 2021 Lord Nantrech of Dyrezan, mighty mage and sage renowned throughout the empire, marched breezily despite his accumulated years, though a grandee clad only in a soiled gray robe. With each hearty stride his magic staff bit into the dust stirred by his sandaled feet. Close by…
At the Feet of Poteauje
by Jeffery Scott Sims in Issue 107, December 2020 In the highlands of north-western Greece, verging on the marches of Macedonia, in those olden times the itinerant wizard Jacob Bleek followed as best he could the map imprinted on the parchment sold him dearly at Athens by the astute but vulgar Turk. Not a mage…
The Master of Kirgusk
by Jeffery Scott Sims in Issue 93, October 2019 After the difficulties of having journeyed thus far, Jacob Bleek, that questing scholar and seeker after strange matters, hoped for an easy passage over the steppes that spread across this portion of the expansive kingdom of the Rus. Indeed, he had sent his trusted manservant ahead…
A Soujourn in Crost
by Jeffery Scott Sims in Issue 62, March 2017 Lord Morca, wizard and warrior of ancient Dyrezan, marched alone this day, he who had led a great army into the unknown east that he might conquer and thereby heighten the glory due to himself and his people. There in that magical and forbidding eastern realm…