Tag: February

  • Odin’s Mirror

    by Andrew Knighton in Issue 13, February 2013 Two great polished mirrors faced each other across the stone space of Odin’s hall. Stood between them, his face repeated again and again in the silvered surfaces, Thorvald was reminded of the priest at the entrance. ‘Within Odin’s hall,’ the priest had said as he placed Thorvald’s…

  • Soup

    by Rick Silva in Issue 13, February 2013 Donna Stone walked into the town square wishing for better timing and a good bowl of soup. It was close to Longest Night, though she hadn’t gotten a look at the stars in several days of wet fog and drizzle, punctuated by the occasional stinging downpour. She’d…

  • Shelter From the Storm

    by Bill West in Issue 1, February 2012 “Madoc, I’m COLD!” Madoc would have flexed his hands in anger if his damn fingers weren’t stiff with the cold. He stopped to look back at Brynn. The lummox was a few feet behind, standing in the snow that was hip deep on both the men. “Bryn,…

  • The Spoils of Chivalry

    by Nathan Henderson in Issue 1, February 2012 At dusk Yarmouth Cathedral casts long shadows that are almost as dark as the stone from which the structure is wrought. As the sky reddens beneath wisps of clouds, large silhouettes glide across the sky, first in a sparse trickle and then by the hundreds. Hard to…