Tag: 2021

  • A Plague of Rats

    by Lawrence Buentello in Issue 109, February 2021 Northward Mercer fled, spurred on by the memory of gory conflict, and his loss of honor during that late engagement. A thousand of his countrymen lay dead in fields to the south, on the borders of his sovereign’s realm, having lost their lives in defense of their…

  • Death on the Seas

    by Jason Gallagher in Issue 109, February 2021 Imectas bent down on his knees, a soaking, soapy rag between his hands, and set to scrubbing the deck. Sun warmed the back of his neck. The water turned the worn wood a dark brown, and every once in a while the rag would catch on a…

  • Night of Betrayal

    by Josh Howard in Issue 109, February 2021 Jialen crept closer to the edge of the trees, squinting at the torchlight in the dark wolf’s-glade. She had told Ektar she would watch his Vezi’s revel but not join in, not that night—maybe not ever, depending on what she saw. She shivered. The wolves had been…

  • Wights of Winterwood

    by Mario Caric in Issue 108, January 2021 The blizzard waned. The howls of the winds toned down to undulating whistles. Massive snowflakes kept hitting at a sharp angle, further fattening the tall pine trees. Although night reigned for the past three months, the brightness of the snow still refused to give the last word…