Tag: 2020

  • Sir Jervis Ends His Retirement

    by Harold R. Thompson in Issue 105, October 2020 I didn’t get tired of the killing. You know that wasn’t it, not for me. I got tired of fighting the same enemies, the same villains, the same assholes. Not the exact same assholes, but the same type of guys. Over and over. So after I…

  • In the Dust, In the Cool Tombs

    by Ethan Cade Varnado in Issue 105, October 2020 The Thracian Zagrios came at last to the tombs. Twelve mudbrick monoliths, houses without doors or windows, monuments to kings long-dead, their names lost along with the very language neatly etched into the tomb-face. Time had rendered these towers little more than shade against the scorching…

  • A Dance with Dragon’s Volume 2: After the Feast, by George R. R. Martin

    by John C. Adams in Issue 104, September 2020 This is the most recent installment in the long-running and hugely popular ‘A Game of Thrones’ series, also known as ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’. For anyone who isn’t familiar with the books and their accompanying TV adaptation, the idea of jumping in partway through a…

  • Etcher’s Crucible

    by Rex Caleval in Issue 104, September 2020 Now that I’m ready to find out if this works, it seems less like a good idea. I was certain it was brilliant when I conceived it, sitting in the tavern while my employers, may their bleached bones lie in the Sands Eternal, conversed with a digger…